Schegge di vangelo a cura di don Stefano Bimbi
Santa Geltrude Comensoli a cura di Ermes Dovico

The Synodal Tower of Babel

Modernist Synod aims to make Church liberal democracy

Modernist Synod aims to make Church liberal democracy

What categories of thought underlie the new synod? Evident are the influences of existentialism, Marxism, and Hegelianism, to the detriment of metaphysics. The aim is to insert procedural liberal democracy, which the Social Doctrine of the Church has always condemned, into the Church.
DOSSIER: The Synodal Tower of Babel - The Bussola Conference

Cardinal Burke: “Synodality contradicts the true identity of the Church”

Cardinal Burke: “Synodality contradicts the true identity of the Church”

“The Synod that will begin tomorrow conceals an agenda that is more political and human than ecclesial and divine.” “The will is to profoundly change the hierarchical constitution of the Church is clear, with a further consequence a weakening of teaching on morality as well as discipline in the Church.” The speech of cardinal Burke at the Conference “The Synodal Tower of Babel”
- The photo gallery of the conference

The sheep in place of the shepherds, the Synod subverts the Church

The sheep in place of the shepherds, the Synod subverts the Church

The Synod has been distorted with its opening to non-bishop members. In the new Synodal Church it is the people who instruct the bishops on the meaning of the Faith. This is the liberal project denounced by Newman, with grave danger for souls.