Schegge di vangelo a cura di don Stefano Bimbi
San Gaudenzio di Brescia a cura di Ermes Dovico

«I visited Alfie: the problem is "brain death"»

«I visited Alfie: the problem is "brain death"»

What is the origin of the medical approach, flaunted on the world stage, which decided the life of little Alfie Evans? The answer for Dr. Paul Byrne, internationally renowned neonatologist, who visited the baby in December 2017, has been clear for years: «Everything stems from the definition of death, no longer clinical but cerebral. A heretical vision whereby life is measured on the amount of brain functions. So it is full of living people who are not treated».

Appeal of hundreds: «Thank you father Gabriel, now let's ring the bells for Alfie»

Appeal of hundreds: «Thank you father Gabriel, now let's ring the bells for Alfie»

A letter/appeal to be signed: "The presence of Don Gabriele near Alfie comforts us. We need priests who, aware of their paternity and vocation, do not abandon us before evil and in the hour of death. We ask to ring the church bells for the baby during his funeral, certain that there are still many priests capable of shouting to the world the scandal of love".

Alfie Evans: on a mission from God

Alfie Evans: on a mission from God

Some people think that Alfie does not have a mission, that he is here by chance. So they ask trivial questions like: "Can he  breathe on his own?"; "Will he ever be able to talk or walk?" That's why they think his life is not worth anything, they do not speculate that Alfie has been sent, sent for something great.

How Alfie died: all the facts

How Alfie died: all the facts

We do not know how long Alfie would have lived if he had been treated and taken care of properly, we do not know if additional tests would have resulted in a diagnosis and led to a cure... What is certain, however, is that we can not say that the child died only because his life support was removed.

Eliminating Alfie : the origin of evil is in England

Eliminating Alfie : the origin of evil is in England

What we attribute to Nazism, is in fact a culture well rooted in the United Kingdom (and not only) and still very much complied with. Worse still, as the case of Alfie Evans demonstrates, the eugenics culture is now openly practiced in hospitals and proclaimed in courtrooms.

Vatican hospital: Alfie could come even tomorrow

Vatican hospital: Alfie could come even tomorrow

After Pope Francis' urgent appeal during the General Audience yesterday, the Vatican hospital Child Jesus has presently been requested by the Secretary of State to take initiative directly.

«Dear Bishop, help me to save my son»

«Dear Bishop, help me to save my son»

"Your Excellency, My name is Thomas Evans and I am Alfie’s father. I felt great sadness reading the press release issued by the Archdiocese, concerning my son’s situation". That's the beginning of the letter that Tom sent to the Archbishop of Liverpool. 

Alfie Evans, what's at stake?

Alfie Evans, what's at stake?

If the term "quality of life" is allowed to replace "the sacredness of life", then each of one of us is in danger. This is why, even if we are not fully aware of it, Alfie's life is the same life in us all; the battle for Alfie is the battle to affirm our own life.

Alfie's last hours tick away, his only hope is Pope Francis

Alfie's last hours tick away, his only hope is Pope Francis

After all the court rulings in favour of euthanasia the only hope left for for Alfie's parents in these final hours lays in the hands of the Catholic Church of which they are faithful followers. Alfie's father begs the Pope to take him and his son into the Vatican. "On March 28, the Holy Father received my asylum request to come to the Vatican.


Bishop Paglia offends the parents of sick children

I am the mother of Mele, Emanuele Campostrini, a 9 year old boy suffering from a severe disability due to mitochondrial disease and mitochondrial DNA depletion. I am indignant after reading the statement of the Vatican Academy for Life president on Alflie Evans ruling.

Cardinal Burke Responds to Recent Criticisms

Cardinal Burke Responds to Recent Criticisms

In this interview the patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta said, ‘I am not against the Pope; I have never spoken out against the Pope. … My purpose is to serve the truth.'

The suffering Christians of the Middle East: Where is God in all this?

The suffering Christians of the Middle East: Where is God in all this?

My family has always felt privileged that God has chosen us and shown us his mercy and favour. It was thanks to my ‘unlettered’ paternal grandmother that I’ve come to learn that God never tempts or tests anyone beyond their ability...