Schegge di vangelo a cura di don Stefano Bimbi
San Luigi Orione a cura di Ermes Dovico

Don't kill Archie

Archie Battersbee’s mother: “stop them slaughtering my son”

Archie Battersbee’s mother: “stop them slaughtering my son”

After the ruling, which gives the doctors of the 12-year-old with a severe brain injury, permission to remove his life support, Archie's family declare they intend to appeal and denounce the collusion between the judge and doctors and the serious failures of the London Royal Hospital: "They consider him dead based on just an MRI scan ". "From the start, they were more interested in his organs than saving him." "They are trying to starve him to death." "The hospital hygiene is appalling, there is also a death chamber for children like Archie.”

Archie Battersbee, conversion also changes the fight for life

Archie Battersbee, conversion also changes the fight for life

In anticipation of the High Court judge’s decision whether to end the life of 12-year-old Archie whose doctors consider brain dead, his family give an important testimony: converted to Catholicism after the accident, they ask for prayers not public protests. It’s a public recognition of who the true Lord of life is.

Ten days left to save Archie Battersbee

Ten days left to save Archie Battersbee

On the 6th and 7th of June, a High Court judge will decide whether to end the life of 12-year-old Archie whose doctors consider brain dead or heed the English family’s hopes, which are based on the numerous cases of patients declared dead and then mysteriously returned to life. There are striking similarities between the stories of Trenton McKinley and Archie.

Archie, another victim of “best interests”

Archie, another victim of “best interests”

Twelve years old, with a serious head injury caused by accidental suffocation, the family embroiled in a legal battle against the London hospital doctors who want him dead. The final sentence - following life-threatening tests - due within days. Then, there’s the whole family’s conversion to Catholicism after the accident.